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Prezi Comments 2-25


Prezi comments Luis R-

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Northern Africa and the Middle East Prezi

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question 3

How is Egypt’s economy been impacted by the Arab Spring and it’s revolution?

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Questions Answered 2-11-13

Blogs Visited Luis Rojas

 Ginny Horne

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North Korean Second Video

Watching this video, I knew that North Korea was a cruel nation and went to any extreme to protect its image and have control, even if this meant putting its own people at harm. Something I would like to know is the daily life of a prisoner in a camp. How are they raised? Does one ever get to leave legally?  Do they have any form of media? These are questions that I thought of as I watched the video. I learned that North Korea will go to any extreme to have people not rise up. That they torture innocent kids. Something that shocked me completely was how the prisoner turned in his own mother and brother thinking that it was the right thing to do. The fact that they’re indoctrinated  to believe this is just ridiculous to me.

Luis R

Going into the video, I knew that North Korea is a Communist nation and has strict laws to manipulate and control their people. I also knew that work camps existed to control and instigate fear into their people. I want to understand what policies are in place that make the inter-workings of the work camps legal. Is their law written out somewhere? And where can I find it to read it? I learned that the manipulation of the thought process of work camp persons is deep and they actually believe in the purposes for the Communist regime.

-Ginny H.

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Op. Ed. 2-4 :Mali Question

Has Mali faced any political changes in the past century and how has that effected their government?

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Blogs Visited 2-4-13

Ginny Horne

Luis Rojas

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North Korea Video

Viewing this video on North Korea, I was expecting a totalitarian government that was ruthless and treated their people badly. My expectations were met and even exceeded. I was completely shocked on  the abandonment  of their cities. Very few cars roamed their roads and pictures of the dictators were everywhere. It wasn’t until later in the video that I completely understood the amount of brain-washing and control that Kim Jung Il had over his people.  I was shocked, these people worshiped their leaders as if they were gods and not cruel, dominating tyrants.  I would love to know more on the history of North Korea, and how slowly they became an isolated nation against the world. I would also like to know more on the leaders, and their history and how they’ve been able to maintain  power for so long. The United States should try to convince the UN to enforce Korea to enable the west to give major aid, especially medically. The governments should not try to threaten Korea, but give more humanitarian aid instead of trying to threaten their governments. The US should focus on the millions that need aid, financially and medically because their weak, tyrant leaders cannot do this.  – Luis R.

The most surprising aspect of the North Korean video was the patients reaction to getting their sight back. Instead of thanking the Nepalese doctor and his American “assistants” they immediately wanted to praise Kim Jong Il. They almost competed to see who could praise their Great leader more by doing things like clapping, crying, singing, and verbal praising. They had complete disregard for the fact that this man that they were praising had been leading a country that was in total disarray. If not for this man they may have never lost their sight because their cataract was caused by poor hygiene and malnutrition. It was shocking to see that they wholeheartedly believed that it was Kim Jong Il that brought their sight back and not the donated equipment or the foreign doctors. The video clearly depicted the absolute belief of the North Korean people that their leader couldn’t do wrong. Which shows the amount of propaganda and brainwashing that the DPRK has committed against its own people. Prior to watching this video I knew that their were human rights problems in North Korea due to the communist regime but I was unaware of the extent to which the North Korean people were willing to live in an internationally unstable country. – Ginny H.

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Question 1

Op. Ed. Egypt:

How does Egypt’s riots and social protests effect the change of laws in the recent days; and how does this influence the rest of Northern Africa/ The Middle East?

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